Tuesday, August 5, 2008

And So It Begins...

Whoo whoo, my first post... I've decided that I should finally get around to posting my first post. I started this blog for a few reasons:

one is to have something to reflect on in the future. If I was to reapply this I hope that I learn something.

two is to pass on some of the information that I learned to everyone else in the blog sphere. I've read like 20-30 of these, and I'm sure everyone out there does the same. I want to include some websites some info, whatever that can help others.

three is I'm all MBA'ed out, I have so many things to think about that I hope putting it all down on paper (you know what I mean) would clear my head out.

A background about myself
Low GPA Engineering at a Top Public School (I'm sure it's not hard to guess which one)
Working on Online MS Engineering at Ala Mater

760/99th GMAT (50Q/95th, 44V/97th, 4.0 AWA)
Taken Once - 5/2007

3 Years Top Aerospace Company

My ever Changing list of schools right now stands at:
UCLA Anderson - R1
Columbia Early Decision
Northwestern Kellogg - R1
Chicago - R2
Wharton - R2
Hass - R2

Schools that keep popping up are

This list is always changing. I think it is good for me to write it all down sometimes because in my mind I am always going I can add 2 more and then 2 more and then 2 more. Sometimes I'm just like AHHH!! need a break!

As of right now, I've only opened an application for UCLA, would probably start opening my applications for Kellogg and Columbia next.

Keep you all posted....

Sites that I find really helpful are:
http://blog.clearadmit.com/ - for up-to-date information, great layout of info

http://gmatclub.com/forum/103 - the information here is also up-to-date, however there are just a lot of threads which sometimes slows you down. I like Gmat club because it seems that the people are allow more supportive. The atmos is just better than say beatthegmats which i do like for other reasons.

http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/rankings/ I have he print copy which is a little nicer. But this works. With all rankings, make sure you agree with it. Everyone ranks differently. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_business_school_rankings
But I trust Business week the most.

Others for writing tips

1 comment:

Steve Jones said...

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