Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Been an interesting couple of weeks

So I got rejected by the Riordan Program (Pre-MBA program by UCLA Anderson School). That was tough to take. But I'm over it and moved on.

Spend the past week in Chicago, Chicago GSB Live event at UChicago on 26 and then Kellogg's first lunch with students event on 29th.

Chicago - Went way up on my list

Amazing building state of the art, I think anyone going to the school would have to say the Building is the best from both the outside and inside. They were amazing in wining and dining us, we had breakfast, lunch, and dinner all provided. They served beer and wine at their LPF function (end of the week wind down).

Since it was the first couple days of class, we had a mock class. It was pretty boring the mock class, and although the professor sounds interesting, there is only so much you can do with TAXES! T company forms new T company, Which is owned by P company, which buys S company.. Yada Yada Yada.. (Shoot me Now!)

But everything else was exceptional, the people I met, both students and prospectives, were equally exceptional. You can definitely feel that you're in the presence of great Minds.

So as for Applications.. I have been holding off on my columbia applications, I think lack of deadline is hurting me. I have made several changes, and everyday I change it more and more, I think I am going to give myself until Thursday before I submit. But I think that's it, whatever I have on thursday I'm turning it in then moving on.

*The non-Business school info of the day*
I would highly recommend that everyone watch Zeitgeist: the Movie

If you don't want to watch the whole thing, you should watch the 3rd part: FED.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Finals are over - Time to focus

So finals are finally over, I can get back on applying.

First one up is Columbia, I've already thought about it a lot and spent way to much during my finals week contemplating what I wanted to write. Except now that I've finally sat down to write the essay it's a BUNCH OF RAMBLING going on. Actually that's just basically HOW I WRITE! Why can application be just a bunch of math problems, why am I such an Engineer! (yes there are engineers who can write, but how does that help me!)

I went to the info session last week, and now I want to go there more than ever!! I have so much I want to say, but it all comes out as, "Columbia is good yada, Columbia is great yada yada yada, I like Columbia..." Again CRAP!

So I'm one my 3rd draft on some of the essays, but it's funny cuz when I say draft I just mean I've started from scratch a rewrote dribble 3 times! At least it is long dribble. I wanted to get this submitted by Wednesday, but don't think that would happen concidering I have an interview with UCLA Riordan (Pre-MBA) program tomorrow night, and I'm cleaning up some of my files for that. But I don't think my recommenders will be ready so that's okay.

That brings me to a good note, I did get an interview for the Riordan program (it would be devastating not to even get an interview to a pre-MBA program, right before I'm applying to an MBA program). The other good note is that because of the riordan, I finally finished my Resume. I started over from scratch and I like how this new one looks. Been about 3 years since I had to do a REAL RESUME.

Oh since I'm all about good notes, I've submitted part I of the Kellogg application. I could have done it a month ago except I didn't really know what to put for job description. Now to wait for the interview (at least I know I'll get one, since kellogg interviews everyone)

The ball is finally rolling - Well until class starts again.

Goodluck to Everyone!! I look forward to seeing everyone at Business school.

GMAC has finally stated that they are punishing 100 people for the GMAT Scoretop scandal

I don't know how I feel about it. I hard about it way after it happened.